Easy Adjustments
No one likes to have their cheese moved. Change is usually annoying but it can be much less disruptive if we are able to secure an easy, initial victory! Oftentimes […]
No one likes to have their cheese moved. Change is usually annoying but it can be much less disruptive if we are able to secure an easy, initial victory! Oftentimes […]
Having a bad month, are you? Couldn’t give away a shotgun during a prison riot? Instead of the Midas touch you’ve developed something, perhaps, more akin to that of the […]
We talk about it all the time. It is our responsibility to share information with our Guests so that they may make more well-informed decisions regarding how to best protect […]
Recently, a colleague showed me a menu from a local restaurant. He asked me to take a look at the names chosen for some of the menu items. “Does that […]
I have been extremely fortunate, in my travels, to make the acquaintance of some remarkable folks…many bright, talented individuals who each bring a great deal to the party, if you […]
We have seen it countless times, over the years. A new Salesperson joins the team and is motivated by hope for gain. They may not know much more than the […]
It is incumbent of us, whenever possible, to get in front of our Guests as quickly as time allows. After all, once a Buyer’s Order has been signed, our Guests […]
Do all our Guests immediately understand what we are sharing with them? Unfortunately, of course the answer is “No!” This applies to even the most effective communicators, among us. We […]
What sort of sentiments are you telegraphing to your Guests? Is it… a.) I’m having a great month b.) no way, not another cash deal c.) I’ve got to be […]
Educating may be defined as 1). Giving (someone) training in, or information on, a particular subject or 2). developing the faculties and powers of (a person) by teaching, instruction, or […]