Enhanced Communication Skills via V-A-K
Conley Insurance Group recently had the distinction of hosting Mr. Paul Webb, author of “The Number One Best Selling Book” -For Automotive Sales Professionals.
Mr. Webb’s V-A-K system stands for the three types of learning styles: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.
He teaches that to communicate effectively, we must first identify the learning style of our audience and cater to them accordingly.
Consider the following excerpt from Mr. Webb’s training:
Using V.A.K. will triple your RAPPORT in one-third the time. Does this look like something that will help you provide better guest service? Sure. Do others respond better if it sounds good? Sure. Would you feel more comfortable the more you practiced the VAK system? You bet!
V.A.K. is how we talk to our brain. How we learn. And – HOW WE BUY. When you think about past experiences, do you have pictures in your head? Do you verbally say or hear sounds and words from the past? Does your heart have an achy feeling or get very emotional?
We LEARN information either Visually – Auditorily – or Kinesthetically. We prefer one or perhaps two of the types to the others. Ever hear someone say, “I see what you’re saying.” “Sounds good to me.” “This feels like something I’d like to practice.” Teammates and guests are showing us and telling us and giving us the feeling of their V.A.K. all the time and we now have the opportunity to capture that information – ADJUST OUR FORM OF COMMUNICATION – and use it toward the improvement of teammate and guest loyalty.
Visual: 35%
Picture Bright Show Aim Appear Dim See Look View Perspective Hazy Scan Saw Imagine Clear Portray Watch Observe
Auditory: 25%
Inform Tone Static Ring Say Ask Tell Voice Talk I said He said Explain Speak Inquire Discuss Hear Sounds Saying Say Mention
Kinesthetic: 40%
Grab Feel Support Concrete Handle Touch-base Pull-strings Hang-tough Hands-on Grip Whip Sting
Perspective – Show – Bright – Picture – Picture – Looks – See – View
“Let’s keep this in Perspective.”
“Can you Show it to me?”
“That’s a pretty Bright idea.”
“I can Picture that.”
“It’s pretty clear so far.”
“It Looks good.”
“I see what you mean.”
1. Use Visual words. Your visual person wants you to talk to him/her precisely. Using a visual vocabulary.
2. Recognize when you are talking to a visual. Two ways: (1) Their eyes go up to the left or the right or they star blankly because they are creating visual pictures in their minds: (2) They themselves use visual-based words.
3. Keep brochures, graphs and pictures in front of visual guests constantly when you are with them. Any concept will be understood and comprehended much more quickly if you can show the family member a picture or a graph while you talk.
Tone – Static – Hear – Ring – Sound – Say – Tell – Talk
“Don’t take that tone with me, young man.”
“All I ever get from you is a lot of Static.”
“Yeah I hear what you’re saying.”
“Hey that Rings a bell.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Say, did you hear the one about the two ostriches?”
“Can you tell me more about it?”
“Talk to me further about this.”
1.Use Auditory words. Listen more to the delivery than the actual content.
2.Highlight sound qualities. Sound of a creek or the quiet of the woods.
3.Explain concepts verbally. Show charts – wait 12 seconds, and then explain with words.
Touch Base – Handle – Grab – Rub
Feel “Hey, let’s Touch base next week…”
“Let me see if I can get a Handle on that.”
“How does that grab you?”
“Well, it Rubs me the wrong way.”
“Here’s how I Feel about what you said.”
1. Use Kinesthetic words. Listen aggressively to pick up their mode.
2. Give them things to touch. When they reach for papers consider them Kinesthetic.
3. Watch for shifting. If they change you should change. Add Auditory and Visual and you have a Kinesthetic. They use all the senses combined.
Remember: When you can get your guests and team members to think in their most natural mode, they are going to respond more quickly with you because you will gain their trust faster. You will communicate with intent and meaning and accomplish more goals.
To review:
1.) Visuals comprise approximately 35% of the population. – key words: look, see, watch, picture, show, saw. – eye patterns (when asked a thought provoking question): go up. – like to see things: charts and graphs are effective. – will dress sharp and have a certain “look”.
2.) Auditories
-comprise approximately 25% of the population. -key words: sounds good, say, listen, said, ask. -eye patterns (when asked a thought provoking question): go sideways. -like to hear things: stories and statements are effective. -will dress relaxed.
3.) Kinesthetics
– comprise approximately 40% of the population. – key words: check out, follow me, get back, feels good, touch. – eye patterns (when asked a thought provoking question): go down. – like to feel things: props are effective. – will dress comfortably.
Mr. Webb teaches us that paying attention to the above stated details, as they present themselves, will foster a more effective communication skill set.
Better Communication via Heightened Awareness
-don’t make a visual presentation to an Auditory learner. It doesn’t work because you are processing information in 2 different ways!
-recognize the way your customer processes information and modify your style to accommodate their style.
-if they like you, they’ll listen to you. If they listen to you, the chances are good they’ll see the value in your products.
*While this overview is very limited, it should provide a little insight into the usefulness of this approach to communication enhancement. The opportunity to experience the full course will present itself in the near future. See your Conley representative for details. (Information contained herein reprinted/republished with permission of Mr. Paul Webb.)
Practice, Practice, Practice.
Give it a try.
Erik Landrum
F&I Performance Coach at Conley Insurance Group